Una riflessione oggi...

Libro di Giona, Capitolo 2
Quelli che adorano gli idoli
ti hanno abbandonato.
10 Ma io canterò lodi a te,
ti offrirò sacrifici
e farò quello che ho promesso.
Sei tu che salvi, o Signore!'.
11Poi il Signore diede un nuovo ordine e il pesce vomitò Giona sulla spiaggia.

lunedì, settembre 30, 2013

Blog in English, In Jesus' Name! ...simple notes about today

Praise the Lord! Pace di Cristo a tutti! God bless you all,
In the Name of Jesus!

Today I decided to use this blog for our brothers and sisters in the faith, friends, to all in English...

I felt to start today with few tweets that shape, impact my life in Christ...
I truly hope in the Lord,
it is my prayer that they will also touch your life for Jesus!

I send my greetings from Turin, Italy...

( tweets will come from people, men of God I consider teachers, great ministers of the Word of God )

for example, today is Sunday, September 29th, 2013

God shows up in pain; and pain becomes power. The embraced pain of Calvary became Resurrection power.

There needs to be peace between people, especially those who are "of the household of faith."

God pleasing faith not only believes that God exists, it motivates the believer to seek FOR God NOT FROM God (Heb11:6)! I want to KNOW HIM!

my comment today...
Today, I spoke about Job - He got to know God! What happened to him was irrelevant... His circumstances were irrelevant... ( he thought of presenting his circumstances in chap 23 )

David was chosen as King of Israel old. His qualifications? Only ONE! He PURSED the "heart of God" with focused determination. Do we?

Paul was the "Chiefest of Sinners" who became the "Chief Apostle." How? He put NO LIMITS on his pursuit of KNOWING God! (Phil 3:10) Do we?

Mary sat at Jesus' feet continually. That was "her chosen place/part" (Lk10:42). And NO ONE could take her from it! What is ur place IN Him?

God is never going to do "our part."Our part is to worship him and trust him,His part is to respond with the supernatural. Lets worship Him!

Wise young men listen to their elders. Wise elders lend a listening ear to young men.... Thankful for the elders in my life.

You might be under attack, but you're also under the blood... Be strong in The Lord.

Thank you Jesus!

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